And suddenly… it is November
This time of year often helps some people to remember what they are thankful for – food in their bellies, a roof over their heads, the car that takes them to work, the family that loves and supports them. While it’s incredibly important to recognize our fortunes and give thanks for them regularly, I am of the opinion that this time of year is also a wonderful time to be thankful for ourselves.
Every single person has experienced their own joys, suffered through their own trials, and ridden the ups and downs of this thing we call, “life.” It can be beautiful, magical, terrible, and exhausting, so it’s important that we take a moment every now and then to reflect upon ourselves. There was a period of time where I was living life without actively pursuing the Lord, and I was absolutely miserable. My heart hurt, I cried, I couldn’t sleep, and I just felt lost. So lost. I had been so heavily depending on myself that I wasn’t sure where I could turn. I just wasn’t happy. I wanted to love and to be loved, and I wanted happiness for me. So, when I finally hit a wall, what did I do?
I sat down and wrote. I wrote a list of all of my mistakes and successes. I wrote down what I was proud of, and I wrote down what I was ashamed of. I journaled until I was staring at everything, and I finally began the process of finding myself. I discovered who I was, and YES, who I am today! It certainly wasn’t an overnight or easy process, but I am thankful for it. I am thankful for the struggles, the successes, the failures, and the joys. I am thankful that I was in a place that honestly forced this out of me, and I am thankful that the Lord was still waiting for me on the other side. I am better because of what I have overcome, and I’m thankful for all of it.
I journal regularly now, and most nights, I simultaneously talk through it with the Lord. Through this process, I found me, and I found Him, and I will continue to lean on and seek him moving forward.
So, as raw and telling as that is, I share this to remind you to thank yourself for who you are, too. You don’t have to share during the annual roundtable where everyone at the table says “one thing” that they’re thankful for, but you should definitely recognize it. Each year you grow, and each year you’re better. Once you’re comfortable facing all that you are, all that you have faced, and all that you have been, there is only love.
This self-love has allowed me to pour even more into Old Urban Trolley, and I truly believe we are in such a wonderful place and serving delightful families because of it. We are so thankful for all of you, and we appreciate you for wanting to make memories with us.
Hug your friends and family this season – but also, yourself.
Shannon, AKA Trolleylady